People without bank accounts are showing an increasing appetite for using mobile money services, according to the latest industry figures, as global operators expand their services
At the end of June 2013 — the latest date for which figures are available — there were 61 million active accounts, compared with 37 million in June 2012. But at the same time, the number of registered mobile money accounts nearly tripled from 71 million in June 2011 to 203 million in June 2013.
The information comes from the GSM Association’s annual report from its Mobile Money for the Unbanked programme.
The third annual Mobile Financial Services State of the Industry Report provides a quantitative assessment of the state of mobile financial services, including mobile money, mobile insurance, mobile credit and savings.
The report draws on the results of the annual MMU global adoption survey, as well as on data from the online MMU deployment tracker and qualitative insights on the performance of mobile financial services from the MMU programme’s engagement with the industry over the last year.
There is clearly still a long way to go. There may have been 219 services in 84 countries at the end of 2013, compared to 179 services in 75 countries at the end of 2012, but 61 million mobile money accounts means that only about one in 100 mobile phone accounts across the world is associated with a mobile money service.
Enormous impact The GSMA’s chief regulatory officer, Tom Phillips, gave a positive reaction to the statistics. “This annual report underscores the enormous impact that mobile money is having in emerging markets, by providing access to increasing numbers of products and services and helping millions of people to manage their daily lives and improve their livelihoods,” he said. More >>>